And so I return once more to classes.

Tomorrow (technically today) is the beginning of the last quarter. Thankfully, my first class is at 11:45 each day. Unfortunately, I have work at 7 AM on Wednesdays. This may take some getting used to.

I also have a lot of time at work, and I probably won’t have much homework. You know what that means; more frequent posts to this site. Soon I’m likely to finally choose what job I’ll go for, and soon my group is likely to choose what kind of game to make for Computer Game Development. Guess which one you’re more likely to hear about?

I finished the first Phoenix Wright today. If you own a DS, you need to try this game. I tried the first trial and was mostly unconvinced. But this game has a wonderful translation, and by the last trial I pretty much couldn’t stop playing. There are so many twists and turns in each case that it’s a wonderful chain of brain teasers, with a very colorful cast of characters. I hear the second game has a different translator, and isn’t quite as well-phrased. I’m not surprised at the latter; there were several typos and such in the last case of the original. The former I’m disappointed with, but I hope it won’t make much difference. I plan to try it out sooner or later.


Gumshoe is by far my favorite Phoenix Wright character, and I don’t know exactly why. There’s something about his honesty, maladroitness, and personality that I find hilarious. He also has some of the best lines in the game (“Hey, you can’t go around calling people “pal”, pal! That’s my endearing character trait!”). He always has good intentions and helps Phoenix even when Gumshoe is technically working for the other side.

I also played Rogue Galaxy for something like 6 hours today. I was surprised when, an hour in, Kisala reminded me to save (your characters will randomly say things as you wander around, a feature you can turn off). Around 4 hours in, Kisala said “You know, you’ve been playing for a while. Maybe you should call it a day”. I know I have a problem when games are telling me to stop playing them.

That said, RG is still good fun 36 hours in. I found out hunts were available all along (you can get them after Chapter 4, I think), so most of them are easy now. I tried the Insector competition, and it’s sort of like a combination of Chess and Monster Rancher. I may go further in, I may not. I’ve found the Factory much easier to deal with now that I have some materials, and it’s actually kind of fun. I look forward to continuing RG this week.

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