My own custom-made blight on humanity.

As you might have noticed, I like Destiny of an Emperor. For those of you who don’t know what it is (shame on you), it’s an NES RPG set in the Three Kingdoms. It’s wondrously cheesy yet quite accessible to even modern RPGers due to quick run-time, some really cool features and general awesomeness.

However, all that is about to change… Well, at least the Three Kingdoms part. Read on for more.

Ladies and gentlemen, I submit for your approval my latest and greatest project.

Destiny of a Plumber (logo TBD)


Destiny of a Plumber 2

Title Screen for Destiny of a Plumber

Destiny of a Plumber 1

A standard battle

In this bracing mod for Destiny of an Emperor, YOU play the part of the great Mario Mario, who as we all know saved the Mushroom Kingdom from destruction. Although initially called to put down the Yellow Goomba Rebellion, he is drawn to save the Kingdom from certain destruction at the hands of the tyrant Orange Koopa and faces betrayal at the hand of the despicable L. Toad. He manages to rescue the King’s daughter Peach, being held by Y. Troopa, but is unable to achieve his goal so easily. Eventually, his wanderings over the breadth and length of the distraught Mushroom Kingdom lead him to seek the advice of one Z. G. Toad. He then learns that the evil King Koopa, posing as a mere advisor for the incompetent Hammer C. to the North and his ominpresent rival Wario to the South both have designs on the kingdom. Can he raise an army strong enough to overcome his greatest opponents?

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