Arcana Revisited
I probably have more interesting things to talk about (going to PAX, playing through Starcraft 2, enjoying Persona 3 Portable among others) but I’d rather talk about Arcana. So let’s do that, shall we?
I originally posted about Arcana some time ago – indeed, more than four years ago. Since that post I had looked for the game each time I went to a brick and mortar store. There’s something that just feels right about finding it someplace physical rather than going on eBay and picking it up for a little more (or likely less). The local Game Xchange, Spokane’s (otherwise very nice) Trade-A-Game, and the occasional not-very-likely Play-N-Trade were all candidates, and all failed me.
What actually succeeded in selling me a copy of the game – and yes, I’m aware this is not a very interesting accomplishment – was the Pink Gorilla booth at PAX. Yes, that’s right – I had the opportunity to play Portal 2, Retro City Rampage, Metroid: Other M, and, might I add, did none of these things (lines too long / not interesting enough to me) and the first thing I post about is buying a SNES game that nobody cares about.
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