Promised screenshots
I said I might be getting a video capture device soon, and it happened. Who would’ve thought?
More or less how normal dialogue looks. Smallish and often simple portraits.
One of the weirder character designs (and one of the cooler characters). I have no idea why anyone would wear an outfit like that, even if they were an overpowered boss and knew nobody would make fun of them.
Spero, the main character. This design is more like the standard character designs; awkward-looking (but honestly pretty cool) armor that doesn’t look like it’d be too effective. Notice for example that his elbows are completely unprotected, to say nothing of his face. Other characters wear what
appears to be form-fitting thin metal armor (female characters only, of course). For main characters, the face is always clearly visible. The generics, meanwhile, wear absurd amounts of armor covering the entire body. Priests, for example, look vaguely like robotic toaster-bots (see right). Their helmets look sort of like cones over the face with – of all things – a cross-shaped hole for each eye. I was convinced all the generics were robots until I was able to recruit them.
If I start up the game again, I’ll have to take a few more screens.