School’s out forev… er, a while I guess.

Yesterday was my last set of classes. Although I have a couple more things to take care of on Sunday and Monday (including getting my broken CD-ROM drive fixed), this means I’m done with everything that’s graded. We seniors now have a week to reflect upon their long, winding path of engineering education at one of the premier institutes in the country.

Which is to say, of course, nearly everyone’s going to be finishing off their alcohol and playing video games.

Anyway, it doesn’t quite feel like it should be over. I’ve made a lot of friends here, and we’re all going to be going our separate ways.

So, in any case, here’s what’s been going on (to me and in the world):

Starcraft 2 was just announced.  Though many are surprised it turned out to actually be a sequel and not an MMO, I’m not particularly.  Making another MMO at this point wouldn’t be particularly profitable when they already have the majority of the market share.

From what I’ve seen, Starcraft 2 is really shiny.  Gameplay balance, which is Blizzard’s forte and what keeps people coming back to Starcraft, is still unknown.   Blizzard has said that they are keeping it in mind.   Now Blizzard just has to make Diablo 3 (assuming it isn’t WoW).

Part of the announcement for Starcraft 2 includes a mention that users will have access to the same tools as Blizzard to create maps.  This is great news; much of the appeal of both Starcraft and Warcraft 3 is still in the form of custom maps – ranging from RPGs to strategy to theme games.  Speaking of which, if anyone *ever* wants to play the Starcraft RPG map “A Call for Help” let me know.  I have a copy, but every time I play everyone else leaves or doesn’t realize the incredible difficulty of the map, and I want to actually see the end.

I got a copy of Genso Sangokushi 2 in the mail a while back.  After having played the demos of both 1 and 2, I can say that the full version of 2 is beautiful and builds upon the demo’s portion of the game.  Though, truth be told, so far it’s been rather on the sad side of plots.

For the uninitiated: Genso Sangokushi 2 is Fantasy Sango 2 in Japanese.  There is no English release, only a Chinese (Taiwan) and Japanese release, and the Japanese release is rather expensive for a PC game.  It’s based on Three Kingdoms, with added magic and other nonsense.  You play the part of Chu Ge, a money-grubbing young adventurer.  After a few introductory bits, his hometown is attacked by the Yellow Turbans.  It is rescued by Ma Chao, but not before his friend Han Jing is thrown off a cliff (by a giant spider-monster summoned by an evil sorcerer, no less) and his other friend Shen Yan (daughter of the local troop commander) is abducted by the Turbans.

Hoping to get more of GS2 finished this week, and also to finish Ogre Battle 64 (that’ll be tonight).

I’m also considering buying a copy of Galactic Civilizations 2.  It’s down to $20 and I’ve heard little but good about the game…


  1. John Said,

    June 9, 2007 @ 3:33 am

    I want to play a call for help EMAIL ME!

  2. Julien Said,

    June 11, 2007 @ 3:37 pm

    I want to play “A call for help” so badly too!
    I once completed it alone (with the zombie trick so heh)
    but I want to play it again!

  3. niahak Said,

    June 12, 2007 @ 12:39 am

    How can you even beat it alone? Don’t you need Colonel whats-his-face? And I think the person playing him doesn’t get a soldier at the beginning.

    And yeah, the zombie trick is lame 🙁 takes out all the difficulty of the game except the protection of the heroes.

    John, I’ve emailed you, Julien, I’ll email you once I near a point where I can play. I’m hoping this Sunday?

  4. Jon Said,

    July 1, 2007 @ 2:30 am

    i would love to play this map i have been searching for it for ages please tell me you still have it XD

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