GOTD – Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun – RPG (GEN)
A lesser-known game for the Genesis, D&D:WotES is a fairly classic-style RPG, somewhat similar to games along the lines of the Krynn and Shattered Lands games on the PC.
The game allows you to create your own party when you start the game, although as usual it’s recommended you keep some kind of balance. You can keep re-rolling stats, being as cheap as you want to be (until you get bored of it, at least), and create a party of overly powerful characters if you want an easier game, although it’s harder to get all stats to be really good.
Once you’ve created your party of four, you are unleashed into the world… you start in a castle which was mysteriously transported – city and all – to the center of a magical valley somewhere. You are tasked with finding allies – preferably intelligent ones – as the humans cannot survive on their own in this land. You’ll have to explore a good deal to do so. If you explore in town, you may even find some hidden items.
As the game progresses, the plot of the game gets a little bit weird, and safe havens are few and far between. The game is not particularly difficult, though, because it is very easy – perhaps too easy – to take out your opponents with ranged attacks.
The game has two different major gameplay modes – dungeon-crawling and standard. Combat in dungeons is a first-person button-mashing affair, somewhat similar to the Might and Magic games. On the surface, it’s sort of an active-time – like more traditional D&D games.
If you enjoy traditional RPGs or are familiar with the D&D system – which is fairly basic, particularly in this game – I recommend giving this game a shot.