UFO 50 Thoughts: Round 1
UFO 50 is a compilation game with a “found collection” aesthetic. Although it’s not quite exactly NES in terms of capabilities/music, it’s close. Most games have some indie sensibilities, so it doesn’t feel exactly like a found collection, but more along the lines of “what your nostalgia told you games were like”. I’ve enjoyed playing it over the past few months, and although I don’t feel I’ve given every game a fair shake, I’m down to about 5 or so that I want to dig into deeper. Each game has multiple different completion options: Item (typically an hour or two into the game), Gold (think of as “beaten”), Cherry (completed a “challenge”).
I wanted to write up some quick (or not quick, in the case of Avianos) impressions to give some idea of the flavor of games in the collection I felt particularly stand out. Since there are so many of them, and this order represents the (roughly, as it’s from memory) chronological order, I decided to split this post into several to keep things straight.
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